‘The Dip’

Do you ever feel like you are flying high and then suddenly you come crashing down? I call it ‘The Dip’. One moment I can be as happy as Larry and then in a split second my mood drops. It’s been happening more frequently recently and there doesn’t seem to be anything in particular causing it.


Once I’ve entered ‘The Dip’ I feel lost, disconnected from everyone and everything around me. I’m unmotivated, numb and lose all love for the things I normally enjoy. I’ve even started to question myself ‘Who am I? What am I doing? Where do I go from here?’


It’s a horrible feeling and I can only describe it as depressive episodes. Despite the often crippling anxiety that I experience, I have never used the word depressed. However, the other night as I lied in bed, I had to admit it to myself and my partner. I feel depressed.


I was scared, I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel or the usual glimmer of hope that I hold onto. It was a dark place, where there was no meaning to anything and I just wanted to escape from my invasive thoughts.


I’m thinking twice as I write these words above, worrying that I’m not focusing on the positives, but I really do feel it’s important to talk about the lows as well as the highs. Especially highlighting the fact that these depressive episodes can creep up on you and attack without any warning. This can really catch you off guard and turn everything as you know it upside down.   


I’ve always considered myself to have a strong mindset but it’s safe to say ‘The Dip’ is kicking my ass. I don’t even have the words to articulate exactly how I feel right now and these feelings are still very raw but I wanted to share this with you. I know I won’t be alone in what I’m experiencing and as always, we can work through this together!  


I’d love to hear your thoughts - get in touch!


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