Do’s and Don’ts

I’d really like to know the basic do’s and don’ts when we are first prescribed new medication. The tablets are flung at us, we start taking them no questions asked but there are so many unknowns like interactions that can make our meds less effective. I started taking my meds 8 years ago but I’m only just learning of these things now. Should there not be more information given at the time of diagnosis and when we get our treatment plans? Even a simple booklet of do’s and don’ts or a website link to where we can find out this information?


I was researching drug interactions and came across that I shouldn’t take any antacids within 4 hours of taking my morning Levothyroxine. I can’t tell you the number of times over the years that I’ve popped a Gaviscon first thing in the morning due to indigestion. But I’m only just learning now that it’s not advised, great. Also, I was prescribed antidepressants by my doctor who never told me that they can interact with my Levothyroxine increasing the risk of toxicity. Now isn’t that the sort of key information that you would want to know?!


The thing is, having a chronic endocrine illness where your tablets are literally what keep you alive, it feels vital to know of anything that can make them less effective. Because if this happens, it’s not something that you can just shrug off ‘Oh well, never mind’, it can affect your entire day and have a knock-on effect. There has been so many occasions where I’ve taken all my tablets but for some reason I still don’t feel great. I can spend the entire day questioning myself ‘What have I done wrong? I don’t understand!’ But it could be as simple as I’ve taken something i.e. supplements too close to taking my medication and it’s effected the absorption in my body. I’m not qualified to say this is how it works but if so, it would have been nice to have been pre-warned about these interactions to save a lot of unnecessary crappy days and added anxiety.


Anyway, I feel like having a rare condition means I spend a lot of time in the unknown. However, I do feel we could be supported a little more and not just left to always be doing our own research. Most of the time you really are in it alone. I guess that’s why they call us warriors?


I’d love to hear your thoughts - get in touch!


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